Comentários sobre: Canções de Gelo & Fogo #9: Episódio 1.08; ‘The Lord of the Tides’ Informações sobre a obra de George R. R. Martin Sun, 01 Jan 2023 18:46:14 +0000 hourly 1 Por: Sun, 01 Jan 2023 18:46:14 +0000 Merci pour vos articles toujours intéressants. Quant à Fillon, un jour il parlera, ce sera sans doute pour balancer ses copains qui ont fait comme lui et se sont servis de l’argent du contribuable pour s’enrichir !This article seems to suggest that only the sellers of RMBS are to blame for the crisis. The buyers, too, had access to the information necessary to make better decisions, it’s not as though the existence of subprime mortgages surprised us post-hoc.Caveat emptor.And just look at the ubrideled joy on the faces of the children! Great music touches the soul, and those kids can feel it. They don’t know the music, and yet they understand it. Awesome, and thanks!!
