Como já noticiamos aqui, o próprio George R. R. Martin está apresentando em Seattle uma exposição com obras de arte inspiradas no universo das Crônicas de Gelo e Fogo. Entre os artistas selecionados estão Marc Simonetti – criador das capas brasileiras das Crônicas e do Trono de Ferro que, segundo o próprio Martin, é o mais próximo do que ele imaginou (vocês pode ver abaixo) -, Ted Nasmith, Craig Drake, o artista das HQ’s Mark S. Miller, Mark Evans, Aaron Jasinski, Kali Ciesemier, Amok, Mick Minogue, e muitos outros.

Algumas dessas maravilhas você pode conferir logo abaixo:

Iron Throne (Marc Simonetti)
Iron Throne (Marc Simonetti)
Aegon With Sisters (Amok)
Aegon With Sisters (Amok)
Three Eyed Crown (Aaron Jasinski)
Three Eyed Crown (Aaron Jasinski)


The Ruby Ford (Sam "Sho" Ho)
The Ruby Ford (Sam “Sho” Ho)
Castle Black (Marc Cardonna)
Castle Black (Marc Cardonna)
This Will Mean Blood In Gutters (Sam Wood)
This Will Mean Blood In Gutters (Sam Wood)


There Are No Men Like Me (Jason Engle)
There Are No Men Like Me (Jason Engle)
Theon Greyjoy (Jason Engle)
Theon Greyjoy (Jason Engle)
The Path of Faith (Nicholas Delort)
The Path of Faith (Nicholas Delort)


The Maid of Tarth (Levi Hastings)
The Maid of Tarth (Levi Hastings)
The Hand's Tourney (Steve Thomas)
The Hand’s Tourney (Steve Thomas)
Sword of the Morning (Kali Ciesemier)
Sword of the Morning (Kali Ciesemier)


The Messenger (Ruel Pascual)
The Messenger (Ruel Pascual)
Princess and Hound (Damon Okeefe)
The Princess and The Hound (Damon O’Keefe)
Only Trees Remember (Sean Closson)
Only Trees Remember (Sean Closson)


Milkblind (Maj Askew)
Milkblind (Maj Askew)
Book 1 (Jim Burns)
Book 1 (Jim Burns)
Inside The House of Black and White (Woodrow Hinton)
Inside The House of Black and White (Woodrow Hinton)


I Never Fall (Barry Blankenship)
I Never Fall (Barry Blankenship)
Fist of the First Men (Mark Englert)
Fist of the First Men (Mark Englert)
Father, Son and Ghost (Conor Nolan)
Father, Son and Ghost (Conor Nolan)


Daughter of the Kraken (Cody Vrosh)
Daughter of the Kraken (Cody Vrosh)
Daenerys Targaryen (Mark Evans)
Daenerys Targaryen (Mark Evans)
Daenerys (Craig Drake)
Daenerys (Craig Drake)


Comic Book Cover #9 (Mike S. Miller)
Comic Book Cover #9 (Mike S. Miller)
Come To Us In Our Darkness (Jarreau Wimberly)
Come To Us In Our Darkness (Jarreau Wimberly)
Children Of The Forest Cool With Whatever (Scott Campbell)
Children Of The Forest Cool With Whatever (Scott Campbell)


Bran Awakens (Ted Nasmith)
Bran Awakens (Ted Nasmith)
Blood of the Dragon (Jen Zee)
Blood of the Dragon (Jen Zee)
Stark Family (Augie Pagan)
Stark Family (Augie Pagan)

Para ver outras obras incríveis de outros e até adquirir um print das que te interessarem (com preços que variam de $45 à $900), visite o site da Ltd. Art Gallery – local onde está ocorrendo a exposição: